Nvidia GeFoce GTX Titan X

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Today, (March 5, 2015) Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has announced two new things for the company. One is that Nvidia is going to make a console named Nvidia Shield and they have unveiled their latest GPU  at Epic Games GDC session.

It's a behemoth of a card and it is claimed to be the fastest GPU on earth. The Titan X is the successor to last year's Titan Z.

 The Titan X is based on Nvidia's Maxwell architecture which is outstandingly power efficient. The card has 12GB. VRAM and has a transistor count of a whopping 8 billion. A single six pin and an eight pin power connector is required for power this behemoth of a card. The card also looks fantastic. Nvidia haven't said much about the card since they have their own conference in the not too distant future. Nvidia CEO signed the box of the GPU and then gifted it to Epic Games' co-founder Tim Sweeney. 

All we know for now is that the Titan X will be an outstanding GPU. Nvidia CEO has not provided any other information regarding the card. No release date, no pricing, no detailed specs etc. So, we just have to wait and see what Nvidia has got in store. That's all information provided for now. We will update you whenever anything more is announced.

Image source: www.videocardz.com and blogs.nvidia.com and www.overclock.net


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